
Oliver Mitchell

WhatsApp for iOS to Add Community and Editing Recipients


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WhatsApp is constantly improving its service, already far away from the simple SMS replacement it once used to be. The recent beta version of WhatsApp, according to researchers, will add more group management-related options and an option to edit recipients of a certain message. All these features will make communication more flexible.

What is Community? In short, it’s a group of groups – a meta group (pun intended). In a Community, you can connect up to 10 groups you administrate. If you need to make the same announcement in all of them, you can simply send that message to the group Announcements. This group is generated automatically as soon as you create a Community. It’s easier to share the same content within these groups with some editing, as they are all available under the same title. It also eases various tasks like comparing content or tracking certain users’ behavior in all these groups.

Another new feature enables WhatsApp users to edit the list of recipients as they create a message with some media content. It’s logical because media files are much larger than simple texts, and sending them to each recipient separately may require much more data. In the release version, you can do the same with a photo you take with the built-in camera module.

Last but not least: WhatsApp enables its users to find businesses nearby and contact them via their official chats. It’s very comfortable when you want to order food or some urgent service but don’t know any around, for example, when abroad. It takes little data (again), and it’s easy to contact them immediately.

The new features will become available in both Android and iOS versions of WhatsApp Beta, and then, if everything is okay, make it to the release version. Do you update your WhatsApp regularly? Which of the new features seems the most useful to you? Share what you think in the comments if you please!

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