
Oliver Mitchell

WhatsApp Adds Group Chats to Joinable Calls


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On Monday, the team of WhatsApp made an announcement that they decided to extend the feature of joinable calls to group chats. If you are not familiar with this function, it was initially introduced in July of 2021. The way it works is that when there is a group call taking place, it is possible for users to join them even when the call has started. With this update, users will be able to call a certain WhatsApp group and join in right from a group chat window.

Also, the company mentioned that during such calls users will see the group name rather than the names of participants. Users will be able to see live calls in the chat list, so it’s easy to see what groups have ongoing calls the moment you open WhatsApp.

According to the official statement made by WhatsApp, the company wants to make it easier to connect with groups spontaneously. You can join groups at any moment and this is possible with just a single click. Since 2020, the popularity of group calls has only continued to grow, so it’s not surprising that WhatsApp decided to provide improved solutions to connect with groups of friends and family. The company also added a distinct ringtone to such calls.

The company has stepped up its game in recent months in an attempt to remain relevant and attract more active users. Just recently, WhatsApp mentioned that they will introduce a new encryption function for users to be able to hide their chat history backup in Google Drive or iCloud. While the encryption feature has already been available for chats, this new level of protection for backups will certainly be useful.

Do you use WhatsApp for group calls? What are your thoughts on this new feature offered by the company? Please, tell us what you think in the comments below.

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