
Oliver Mitchell

Traced Reports WhatsApp Privacy Issues


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Privacy experts believe that inability to hide the user status on WhatsApp may raise the stalking problem. Since the app does not have the feature that allows you to control who sees you online, you may get stalked. The main problem is not that you can’t hide from your friends but from total strangers too. Literally, anyone can see you there. And with a bit of effort, they can find out whether you are talking with someone right now.

Cybersecurity company Traced revealed their report this Tuesday. In it, they expressed concern about the situation around WhatsApp. Traced showed how simple it is to check out other users’ status on WhatsApp. There are numerous third-party apps that offer you to enter the phone number and see the user status.

This is not the first time a security breach appears in messaging apps. WhatsApp has been warned about the problem and currently is working on its privacy. The app developers revealed they check the apps that allow stalking their users. They consider their actions as a violation of privacy and send requests to app stores asking to remove such apps.

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