
Oliver Mitchell

Snapchat Publishes a Report on User Engagement


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Snapchat has published its most recent Generation report on how users from different categories engage with various aspects of the app. This is based on data from around 19,000 Snapchatters and has serious potential to help marketers and brand owners establish greater rapport with their target auiences via the platform. The statistics was collected across as many as 16 markets. The main takeaway is promising: 93%of Snapchat users enjoy the experience they get when sharing their life on this app.

From the marketer’s perspective, this means that brands should seel to integrate seamlessly with their audience’s personal life in order to be truly successful. Visual communication also plays a huge role when it comes to Snapchat. The app calls itself No.1 for making photos and videos, which is arguably confirmed by the fact that 97% of its users engage in visual communication with their friends. Finally, as many as 93% of Snapchatters reported being interested in using AR as a shopping aid. Those who use this app are 1.6 times more likely to rely on AR for trying on clothes or makeup compared to non-Snapchatters.

Another insightful piece of data highlighted in the Generation report is that around three-fourths of the app’s audience is interested in brands that benefit the community, suggesting that you might want to work on your mission and values if you are interested in audience engagement via Snapchat. Pair integrity with powerful visuals, and you’ll be soon be reaping the rewards. As a Snapchatter, do you feel like this data reflects your needs, or is there something else that the report fails to mention? Insights from marketers are also welcome. Share your ideas in the comments section below this post.


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