
Oliver Mitchell

Reddit Tries to Fix Contextual Matching Algorithm


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Reddit buys Spell, the machine learning platform in order to improve its algorithms. It is expected to fix the contextual matching. According to Reddit officials, Spell provides a better spam detection service. It improves the whole procedure and creates machine learning features.

The Spell can be a neat instrument in the arsenal of every social network. Reddit plans to use it to optimize its system and be able to detect spam, match the users with topics, and search for posts with platform misuse.

The company plans to use the expertise and smart Spell’s technologies to integrate the machine learning process into their Ads, Safety, and Product teams. According to the official statement from Reddit, workers from Spell will provide support to the already existing projects as well as offer ML technologies for the new ones. They will offer smart decisions to the problems with conversations, communities’ safety, lack of ad customization, and relevance of content users search for. It may help users to receive vital information in no time. Apart from that, engagement inside Reddit will be improved and become compelling.

At the same time, Spell representatives said that they hope to contribute to the experience that Reddit has and make it more advanced. They hope to improve the process by making it safer and better. According to their official statement, they believe that Reddit is a place of diversity and a wide range of interests. They hope to provide better communication and attract more users to the platform.

This step is crucial for the whole platform. During the last years, the company began to lose to social platforms like TikTok. The company lost the audience.
Are you a Reddit user? Which community do you like the most? Express your opinion about it in the comments below. 


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