
Emily Irish

Google Will End Support for Archaic Android Phones


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According to a recent announcement from Google, due to security concerns, the tech giant will soon end sign-in and service support for gadgets that run Android 2.3.7 or later. This September, any Android smartphone or tablet using the decade-old Android Gingerbread software, will ward off their owners from accessing their accounts, returning username or password errors during attempts to use services like YouTube, Gmail, or Maps. Read on for more details.

Obviously, this news only affects those who tenaciously hold on to extremely old Android devices. Still, we all know that lots of people are more than attached to their old-but-gold mobiles. Therefore, this development will most likely lead to a minor tremor. Planning to use your device after the deadline? Some services will still be accessible via the browser. Gadgets running Android 3.0 and above will access Google accounts without any difficulties. So, if your older gadget can be updated, it’s definitely worth making the leap. 

The cutoff won’t influence your day-to-day phone use, naturally. Plus, it’s logical that Gingerbread and earlier Android releases fail to cope with the majority of modern tasks. With all that said, the bottom line is now you’ll need a device updated within the last ten years to be granted at least the basic support. Don’t want to buy another phone? Consider updating your archaic software version.

At the end of the day, according to Google, this is an inescapable and rather essential step for user account privacy protection. So, are you still holding on to your Nexus One for sentimental or stubborn-to-change reasons? Now’s the best time to move on. What are your thoughts on the topic? Share your opinion with your fellow readers in the comments section below. Your two cents are very important here.

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