
Oliver Mitchell

Google Keep Is Getting a Redesign


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Google Keep, one of the top apps in popularity, gets a Material You design.

What Is Material You Design?

Material You is a new design concept proposed by Google. In essence,  it combines form, utility, and emotion. With this know-how, users are expected to enjoy functional simplicity, and visual aesthetics, with a bit of personalization.

One of the tricks that Material You can pull off is customizing the color palette of the screen to your liking. And it takes wallpaper as the reference point. 

As a result, every app, with no exception, will be “painted” according to your color preference. Plus, it takes into consideration the unique technical parameters of your gizmo, such as the screen size.

Keep & Treasure

Google Keep is one of the first apps to have a sip of this new concept. It will feature a more ergonomic interface — the app’s controls will become more laconic and the shortcuts will migrate to the right of the screen.

Google Keep’s widgets will also be reimagined. You’ll be able to open Note List in the full screen mode, switching between list/grid views will be quick and smooth. The Quick Capture function will allow you to make quick notes, voice memos, bucket lists, and so on.

If you’re a perfectionist and hate it when the inner logic of the visuals gets disrupted, Google Keep will offer a rich note colorization palette to match the aesthetic of your home screen.

Is It the Future?

Material You will be the main design concept of the upcoming Android 12 update. Google Keep is one of the early harbingers of the changes that are to come. Google Pixel will be the first gadget to fully embrace the concept.

Besides, if you dream of a home screen designed to your taste, you’ll finally be free from having to download the multiple likes of Nova Launcher.

Material Us

It seems the app design will never be the same. Is this a really useful feature or just some IT snake oil? Let us know in the comments!

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