
Emily Irish

Gmail Mobile Gets a New Handy Feature


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With the upcoming update, we’ll be able to find whatever emails we urgently need. Perhaps, this could be one of the first features that will turn the Gmail app into a letter-managing beast. 
In terms of the feature palette, Gmail mobile always lacked something. Basically, we don’t have half the features, which its desktop “colleague” offers: customizable inboxes, flexible email filters, and so on.
However, there’s a new feature, which is about to hit the app. We’re talking about the search function. It will allow you to manage and locate necessary emails a little bit more efficiently. Here’s how it works.
Once you make a search request, dropdown menus, also known as chips, will appear. With them, you can track down certain correspondents, e.g. those people who send to you or receive your emails. You can also apply such parameters as dates, addresses and maybe even letter topics.
What’s even cooler, you’ll be able to select a specific period of time in case you’ve forgotten when exactly you have sent/received a certain message. 
For example, if you got tested for COVID-19 last summer, and you need these results again, but can’t remember when they arrived, search through the mail month by month, and you’ll hunt them down eventually.
Other changes launched by Google include the Material You design concept, which will fully unfold as part of the upcoming Android 12. 
According to the concept, Material You will comprise minimalism, simplicity and visual aesthetics that will complement the emotional individuality of each user. The final release of the OS isn’t specified yet.

Unveil New Gmail

Maybe it’s not much, but searching for specific emails on your phone will be a tad easier now. What do you think about the Material You concept? Leave your opinion in the comments section. 

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