
Oliver Mitchell

Expect Free Spotify Premium for Corporate Accounts


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Spotify appears to be looking for new ways to win the hearts of potential users, this time targeting potential corporate customers. The idea behind the strategy is that corporate perks can be a major competitive advantage on the employer market these days, which means businesses will gladly team up with a company that offers free corporate services that are likely to appeal to a large number of employees. The new plan is rolling out already, titled Spotify for Work. The first business to try it out is going to be Accenture, a professional services firm with a global presence.

Members of Accenture’s big team in countries such as Latvia, Lithuania, and Sweden will get free Spotify Premium subscriptions as part of their employment at the company. Although it might sound somewhat counterintuitive, the time when they can use this kind of Spotify account won’t be limited to working hours. This is not a universal approach adopted to meet the needs of every company interested in attracting more employees with the help of Spotify; in fact, this is a unique agreement with Accenture. However, Spotify has published a post advertising this option and offering teasers around further potential collaborations.

As Spotify has effectively promised to expand the program, businesses that are interested in becoming part of it are encouraged to email the service and discuss the terms and conditions. In the meanwhile, it’s safe to say employees of all sorts of companies will be bugging their bosses for a free Spotify Premium account. Mind you, we don’t judge them, since the streamer offers a wide selection of musical titles as well as podcasts that many would love to have at their disposal. Do you think you could be lured by a corporate perk such as unlimited Spotify? Why or why not? Share your opinion in the comments down below.

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