
Oliver Mitchell

Chrome Fixed its Security Issues: Check the Update


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Google Chrome had security issues for the third time in October. Recently, Google has posted about four security vulnerabilities at the beginning of the month. This time, it’s already 11 flaws, in general. All of these flaws were revealed thanks to the independent software engineers who joined the bounty program. This program is a common thing for tech giants who are interested in revealing bugs. Usually, people who find bugs are paid by the companies. 

In September, programmers who joined the Apple bounty program helped to exclude vulnerabilities in the latest iOS version. Though, it led to a scandal. Today, it is Chrome’s turn to solve the problem, and it seems that there is already a decision. 

The new update, Chrome 93, is aimed to exclude 27 vulnerabilities, including 5 of high risk. Google team highly recommends updating the software for all the 2.6 billion users worldwide. To make sure that your Chrome is updated, go the “Settings”, choose “Help” and “About Google Chrome”. There, you’ll see what version you use. If it’s a 95.0.4638.54 version or higher, you can be calm. 

Chrome doesn’t share many details on the uncovered flaws as it may be risky to those who haven’t updated the browser yet. Hackers could have used the information to make attacks. We know that there was a vulnerability dubbed “Use-After-Free” which may use the pointer to the cleared memory of some program to hack it. Other vulnerabilities might have been used to overwrite the programs’ data and make these programs easy to attack. 

Considering that we store much of our personal data online, it’s a good habit to check if there is any update of the software you use. No matter iOS, Android, browser, all of them are easy to manipulate after some time. Thus, updating the programs is a kind of 21st-century routine. Don’t you think so? Share your thought in the comments below. 

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