
Emily Irish

New Radical Feature for YouTube Is Coming


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Autoplay — a new YouTube feature — will offer users more convenience with the homescreen videos.

Autoplay makes videos play as you scroll through the app’s feed in search of something nice to watch. Most notably, the video’s preview from a static image turns into a silent clip.

While this feature gives you a better understanding of whether a vid is worth a view or not, it also can clash with some other apps and functions of your phone.

For example, a homescreen video can put your Spotify or native music player on silence. This results into lots of unnecessary tapping, occasional glitches and frustration.

Now, you’ll be able to control these vids right form the homescreen. This includes muting/unmuting a vid, fast-forwarding through it, toggling the closed captions, and so on.

While these controls seem pretty basic at first, in reality they finally solve issue of YouTube mobile app being an untamed beast that lives its own life in your gadget. 

This new know-how was first shown in this tweet. What’s surprising, though, is that the demonstration takes place on Android (Pixel 4A). This indicates that for once in a long time, the update may premiere on Android instead of iOS.

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