
Hilary Giorgi

Android Auto 11.0 Beta Rolls Out: Here's How You Can Get Early Access


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The world of in-car connectivity is taking another leap forward with the release of Android Auto's latest version. The much-anticipated Android Auto 11.0 beta is now up for grabs for enthusiasts eager to get their hands on the newest features and improvements. While the major version update does not pack a roster of flashy new functions just yet, it does set the stage for upcoming enhancements that will be remotely activated by Google in due time.

Understanding the Latest Update

It's hard to believe that it has already been five months since the debut of Android Auto 10.0. Now, version 11.0 has arrived, marking another milestone in the platform's evolution. However, as with previous iterations, the initial rollout of Android Auto 11.0 doesn't immediately showcase new features. Google has a history of gradually releasing updates and activating new functionalities after the initial launch, keeping users on the edge of their seats in anticipation.

Joining the Android Auto Beta Program

For those already enrolled in the Android Auto beta program, accessing the latest update should be seamless. Just like clockwork, Google releases updates every Monday, ensuring that beta testers regularly receive the freshest builds. But even if you haven't signed up for the beta program, there's still a way to experience version 11.0 before its stability is polished for the masses. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting the beta:

  • Check your current Android Auto version to see if it has been automatically updated.
  • If you don't yet have version 11.0, go to Google Play, tap on your profile photo, and select 'Manage apps and device'. Then, press 'Update all'.
  • If the update isn't visible, you can download it from a trusted source like APKMirror. Just search for the Android Auto 11.0 beta page on their website.
  • Once downloaded, open the file with your package installer and select 'Update' when prompted.

Searching for New Features

Upon updating to the Android Auto 11.0 beta, you may be eager to discover any hidden gems. However, at the moment, features such as using your phone's wallpaper in the car, Zoom support, the Material You design in settings, or the ability to select a default start-up app remains elusive. These updates have been spotted in the wild but are not yet widely available to all users.

Patience is a Virtue

The adage "patience is a virtue" holds true when dealing with Android Auto updates. Google is known for its cautious approach to rolling out new features, perhaps to ensure that any bugs are ironed out before they reach a large audience. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to keep your Android Auto app up-to-date. Doing so ensures you're ready to enjoy the latest features as soon as they're switched on for your account.

Final Thoughts

The launch of Android Auto 11.0 beta may not bring an immediate overhaul of the platform, but it paves the way for exciting advancements that will enhance our in-car experience. As Google fine-tunes its offerings and slowly unveils new functionalities, users can look forward to a more integrated and feature-rich environment. Remember, by staying updated and patient, you will be among the first to explore the full potential of Android Auto as it evolves.

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